Tattoo on my Heart


I haven't written in a little bit and the last one's have been advice for you, but I was trying to come up with some more and ended up thinking of this. The title of this is about a person being a tattoo on your heart. Yes I got the idea from Jordan Sparks song and yes that is a good song because it is rather true. Whenever you hand your heart out to someone they leave a mark that is so deep its like a tattoo  that you can never get rid of. They hold the memories, the times you shared together, all the pain and hurt you might have had, the longings, the memories both good and bad. The tattoo they leave is the reminder of the emotional train wreck that brought you to where you are today. Its the reminder of where you have been and why your not going back to that moment again.

Tattoos come in all shapes and sizes. It is also true of relationships some are stronger and go deeper than other relationships. The problem between the two, you can have a tattoo removed, but the memory of someone will always be with you until the day you die. This memory has the ability to shape the person you look for when you finally do pick up the pieces of your broken world. You can either go for another person like the one you lost or you can try to find someone better and more worth your time.

I have some of these tattoos on my heart, and the problem with them is that they are there. I wish they weren't and I wish with all my heart that they never had been placed there, but God has a reason to put these on your heart. Whether to help you grow closer to him or to learn more about yourself and what you need versus what you want. These tattoos eventually fade but the pain of them is still going to be there, and so are the memories. The nice thing about that though is that your body can cover these inner tattoos with scar tissue that will cover and numb the pain, but it can't get rid of it.

I have an amazing person in my life, and he has shown me so much about myself that I didn't know I had. He has shown me more about myself than any of my previous relationships have. The only difference is that he has become a tattoo unlike the others. He isn't just leaving a mark on my heart, but a mark on my mind. These are the strongest types of marks. The ones on your heart just keep the memories there and the feelings/ emotions. However, the ones on your mind are brought up everyday and can be the most challenging ones. These are the tattoos that distract you, that keep your mind wandering towards this person, the ones that get you so lost on the other person, that you don't see the other tattoos being washed away from your memory.

Memories are the hardest things to lose, your brain is so amazing that it can store memories for years, and it can bring them to the forefront of your mind at the best and the worst of times. Memories are like their own personal tattoos and then can be the hardest things that you face. A memory can hurt you more than the time you went through it. Its like a constant replay of the time you went through and what happened whether good or bad. Most memories are brought up by other traumatic or emotional things that you are going through right now. They can cause both emotional and physical problems throughout your life that you will always have to deal with.

I hope this blog helped you understand why you constantly might feel depressed or lonely. Its the memories, the tattoos that someone has left on your heart and your mind. They can be what shapes you and what hurts you. No matter what they are though, you get to decide how they affect you and whether you are going to let them or not.

With all my love,


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