Letter to my Future Husband on our wedding day (FUTURE)

Hello everyone!
Here is a letter that I hope to one day give to my fiance on our wedding day before the ceremony where we will be exchanging our vows for each other. This is something I saw on Pinterest and I absolutely loved it! So here it goes

Dear Sweetheart,

On this day we will be married and I wanted to write to you a letter that tells you all about me and about what I promise to bring to this marriage before and after the I- Do's. Firstly, I just want to thank you in advance for putting up with me and my random mood swings. Thanks for always being the shoulder I could cry on, and the person who knew just what to say in order to make my day that much brighter. You were always good at producing a smile on my face even in the worst of times. So I just wanted to say thank you!
Secondly, I wanted to let you know a few more promises that I might not have put into my vows (Since I haven't written these and probably wont for a while this will most likely be in the vows or in the letter). I wanted to let you know that I will forever be loyal, even on the days where I seem like I just want to scream at you, I will still remain loyal and ever loving to you. I will be with you until the bitter end, but until that day comes I will love you and wont let you go no matter what may try to come between us. The only thing that will separate us is death, and even that wont stop me from loving you. You are my best friend and as such we will tell each other our deepest thoughts and feelings, the desires of our hearts. I will not withhold anything from you, not even the most secretest of secrets. Up until now I have only showed you the outer most part of my heart and mind, now and from this day forth I will reveal to you the innermost workings of myself. The parts that were created for me to share with you from now until forever. I also just want to let you know that with us having been together now only for what seems like a short time.... I know I will love you until the end of time, no matter how close or far away that is. 
Next, I want to share with you a dream of what I would consider to be the perfect romantic picturesque end to our first day of being a family together: Us kissing at the alter in front of our family and friends with both of our parents on either side of us kissing as well. This to me will signify the beginning of another relationship between us and our parents, whom I hope to someday learn how they have remained together and so in love all these years. I want this to be a picture that we will one day be able to share with our children and to show them that love is carried from our family and from our families family. I want our children to know that even if our world becomes dark, there is still hope that love will overcome even the deepest of nights and will travel into the realm of where Christ our Lord is. 
Lastly, as a final thought for you to read, I want you to know that I respect you, I will always love you, I will be loyal and trustworthy, I will try to obey with every fiber of my being. I am becoming one with you both body and soul. However, I must also continue on in my walk with the Lord, but I feel that this personal walk with him, can also become a much more positive walk, because now I have someone else walking right alongside me and helping me to stay on track. Thank you sweetheart for being the best prince any princess could ever hope to find. 
I will love you until the day after forever!
Your Soon to be wife

I hope to someday present a similar letter to my husband on the day of our wedding. Now I haven't found the perfect man yet, but I hope that everything I have put into this letter is close to what I find someday in my life! I hope to have a real gentleman, one who wisps me off my feet every time our eyes meet each others. Well I hope you have enjoyed my letter for my future husband on the day of our wedding!


  1. Hey! Please Leave your Feedback! I would really appreciate it.

  2. Dear Abby,

    Your letter is a masterpiece. You captured feelings and thoughts and hopes and dreams and made them true. Even if it was just for the letter, but I know and lived every word with you as I was reading the letter. I am attempting to write a letter too for my future husband. We are getting married next year February, and I must compliment you on this wonderful letter, it is not an easy task to complete. I've been writing my letter for the past 3 months now and I'm still not happy with it :/.
    I hope my letter has the same effect on him as yours has had on me.

    You did a wonderful job, please keep up the good work! :)!!

    Michelle :)

    Ps. you wrote this letter on my birthday ;)!

    1. Thank you Michelle for those kind words!!! I am so glad that you were able to understand what I was trying to say. The funny thing is I have been trying to write a letter to my boyfriend but its much harder, because I dont know what to tell him that I haven't already said... the depth and the understanding is hard to retrieve when you aren't in that sort of relationship.

      I wish you luck though on your letter!! I am sure no matter what, even if its a couple short sentences he will love it!

  3. Hi.

    Thank you for your reply.
    I can imagine how hard that letter must have been to write. It took me a couple of months to write mine. And I can now honestly say that I am officially married.
    Needless to say, I hid the letter between his clothes before I left to go get dressed.
    He almost didn't read it because of alot of last minute things that almost went wrong.

    But luckily he read it and loved it!

    Thanks so much for your assistance in my letter.


  4. Hello,

    Congratulations to you and your husband! I hope you both have a long and happy marriage... I am actually now engaged and am thinking about what to write in my own letter to my fiance soon to be husband and it s difficult because when I wrote this I wasn't with anyone and could just write, now I want to throw so many details about it all in and how amazing he is!

  5. This has been really helpful. I have doubted myself in my relationship for the past year and have been accused of having ‘extreme jealousy’ issues. This should have been a massive sign to me that my partner didn’t respect me. He responded to my attempts to discuss this with ‘you’re just jealous’ and got very angry and violent. He’s been tracking down old girlfriends on the internet. He’s also a regular porn user but hides it from me’ I got all the proof after his phone was hacked by this Cyber Genius 'hackingloop6@gmail .com'. I gained remote access to his phone activities.. I gather he’s emailing and chatting to various women. He also thinks that not telling me information is not lying. There’s not trust, honesty or respect.


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