

I was thinking today about all the different styles of clothing we have... We get fancy dresses and suits, we have business style of suits, we have sports outfits, everyday clothing, all season wear, and even different season wear. No matter what we can always pick out some new and different piece of clothing. Now I bet your wondering why this matters in your relationship or your marriage? Well I am about to explain the importance of modesty and still being cute.

My first order of business: Males
Yes, I have a slight problem with how you all dress... There are different occasions for things. I have made a list of everything that should have a special outfit and the occasions where it is OK to dress down:

  • Holidays: Depends on your family, if your a relaxed family it might be alright to throw on those jeans and a t-shirt. However, if you are trying to impress your girl, you want to dress it up a bit. Especially if this is her first time meeting your family and comes a bit over dressed for your families party. This means you should wear a nice pair of pants and a button up shirt. You can always change later. 
  • Church: THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO WEAR JEANS!!! I understand you want to be comfortable and all, but please lets teach the next generation to dress appropriately. They already have enough influence on what they wear and how low they wear it. Church is the time to dress up. Back in the olden days when people were first settling here in the new world, they saved their best clothes for Sundays when they went to church. Church is a sacred thing and you should feel privileged to be able to go as often as you do. Many other countries would die to have the freedoms we do, especially with religion!
  • Date: This is important so pay attention: When going on a date you always want to look your best. No skirting on this one. Now there are different types of dates: Park well this would be fine for jeans and a clean t-shirt. Dinner and a movie a bit more casual but still relaxed so a pair of jeans and a nice dress shirt would be most appropriate. Fancy restaurant or a nice dinner is a must for a nice pair of dress slacks, a dress shirt, and either a tie and jacket or just the jacket. However, you can always substitute a dress sweater that matches your shirt. Under no circumstances should you ever wear flip flops or tennis shoes, unless the date calls for it... such as a trip to the beach or a walk in the park.
  • Business Trip or Interview: This is a dressy occasion you must wear a nice suit and if you don't have one, I would recommend spending the money on it first off and if you don't have the money then wear a dress shirt, tie, and dress pants along with a pair of dress shoes. 
  • Everyday in between: here is where your old pair of faded jeans and that "holy" shirt are going to come in handy.  
I hope this helps all you young men out there on what to wear for all occasions. At this point you really can't go wrong... unless of course you have one of those really picky and "always right" kind of women. Well then you might have to deal with her dressing you.

Now onto you women out there. I am sure I don't have to tell you what to wear for different occasions. Therefore, I am going to give you a few don'ts when it comes down to fashion. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, and I understand that sometimes quick and easy along with comfortable comes before cute and classy, however, there are other ways of getting there without all of the following items in your closet: Save these for your "day at home" days.

  • Yoga Pants: Please throw these out or hide them from your first line of sight... These are not pants ladies these are attention grabbers for guys. If you don't want guys grabbing your butt and treating you like garbage then show them that you don't want to be treated as such. Yoga pants show off all your curves and every ounce of your figure. I understand you want to show all of that off, but you can do it in a different way. Also im not saying these are bad, just the opposite they are comfy and I do wear them to get to and from work on those cold nights, but these should not replace your pants. 
  • Leggings: Ladies this is another huge problem with our culture, we are all wrapped up in the fashion fopa of leggings. These are not pants, these are not made to replace pants, and these will never e pants. I see them as a footless stocking which is what they were originally made for. They were made to be put under a long tunic or a short dress to make them more casual or dressy depending on the occasion. However, leggings are worn to often today as pants and it needs to stop. We are supposed to be ladies, and if you want to be treated like one, well then start dressing like one. 
  • Short crop shirts: These are cute and can look cute, plus they are in style right now, but can I just say this: I don't want to know what brand, what color, or what style of bra you are wearing. I am sure many young men out there don't either. A Male is visually stimulated. If he sees your chest then he is going to picture you naked and right there he is already committing  crime because he has allowed his mind to fantasize about what is underneath those slinky layers of cloth and sequins. Some females don't see the harm in allowing men to fantasize like this, and most generally guys don't care anymore, in fact they have grown accustomed to seeing your chest hanging out for everyone to see and touch. Why shouldn't he also be in line to touch you? I get so many questions by  young women that I know concerning why men don't take notice of good, wholesome women anymore who don't dress like sluts and whores. Well they don't take notice because look there is a girl who is showing off all her assets and she is strutting around like a peacock with all her glories spread wide for all to enjoy. Whereas the person that young wholesome men want are being rampaged and turned into these types of women due to the fact that they weren't being noticed by the guy they like. 
  • Bras: Don't get me wrong bras are glorious!! I love my bra's and always will. However, I try to make sure that my bra doesn't stick out from behind my shirt. I don't want men behind me seeing my Victoria secret tag sticking out, or the unmistakable color of my bras. They don't need to know my bra size or the fact that I am even wearing a bra. This is one of those extra pieces of clothing that only you, your parents, and your husband should see. No one else should see this nor should they ever know that its there. Tank tops and cam-is are great at hiding your bra when worn under a light color of shirt or something see through. Ladies please lets keep our modesty and our dignity. 

Like I mentioned earlier, women we need to realize that men are visual sensitive. If they see something, then typically they want to see more in order to complete the puzzle. Where as women are more emotional sensitive. We don't notice a guy unless he strikes us physically or emotionally, which is why we have so many problems. We dress to impress, and trust me most men are beginning to realize that its not impressive. Especially when other men are looking at the same bra, the same shirt, the same mid-drift, and the same tight, booty hugging pair of pants. 

Men and Women lets step it up and teach our younger generation the appropriate way to wear clothes. Lets teach our children that modesty is a wise way to go when trying to stay out of trouble and harms way. Temptation comes from the way we talk, dress, and act around others. If we are flirty, in a slinky dress, and very handsy then we are going to attract the wrong kind of attention. If we are confident, dressed in an appropriate manner, and conversing rather than touching, we will get the respect and the freedoms to do more than the other.

Women: Would you rather have respect or attention?
Men: would you rather impress her a bit or your future boss with your fashion sense, or do you want to screw it up because you weren't able to dress enough to make the cut?

Ta Ta for now!


  1. THANK YOU! Someone really needed to say this, I'm no fashionista and nor do I pretend to be, but some things are horrible and everyone seems to dress that way. I don't get the leggings pants or the guys in shorts shorter than girl shorts with flip flops and socks and a jacket...?
    Friends who compliment you when you are horribly dressed, aren't friends at all....

  2. Michelle,

    I couldn't agree more! I hate it when friends and people im around are wearing leggings. I understand with short dresses and stuff to make them modest, but not as pants. Also guys who have shorts on that are that short need to realize that it is very disturbing and not attractive!



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