Growing Old Together


I have come to realize that my life will never really be anything of great importance. Sure I will someday (Lord, willing) have a husband and hopefully 3 adorable kids that will run around the backyard. Kids who love to go on family vacations and spend time with me. Kids who even when they are in college still want to curl up next me and talk about whatever is going on in their life. I want to be one of those moms, wives, and grandmothers that everyone im near just wants to curl up next to me and cuddle as we talk or watch television.

Talk about the perfect dream right, perfect movie worthy dream of mine. I am hoping that it does come true someday, but until that day comes I will forever dream about it. I hope to someday be the cute old couple walking hand in hand down the beach as we reminisce about our lives together and everything we accomplished. Like the adorable couple pictured.  Or to be the old couple where yes we do bicker back and forth like "An old married couple" that has been together for fifty plus years. 

At this point in my life I will be happy to just wait and see what the Lord brings before me, but until then I will keep dreaming and waiting for that perfect man to grow old with. The one to bicker with about the silliest of things and then end up laughing about it later as we look back on that silly little argument. The one where we are yelling to each other from across a lake that we love each other so that everyone within a ten mile radius will hear us.
 Oh the dreams of a thousand dreams. 
If only it would come soon, 
but I know to wait and to just mature and grow.
 To be like a willow near the water,
One that starts of small and then grows
One where children are running around through my branches, 
And couples are embracing under my leaves. 
A Willow that grows for all to see.
Oh, to be such a willow would be grand indeed,
I want to be a willow by the sea. 

Enjoy the poem (It was written by me)



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